Thursday, May 28, 2015

Far away and then up close

Don't you love looking at the landscaping around other people's houses?  I love seeing the different plants, colors, heights, how it changes over the course of a year.  It inevitably brings me to comparing my landscaping to theirs...look at all my weeds....

My neighbors have been working on their landscaping.  It was overgrown and ugly before they moved in.  They've pulled up all the ivy that was taking over the front of their house, yanked out the awful orange and brown....lilies?  Whatever they were, they were UGLY!  They've since put in orderly plants in contrasting colors.  It's beautiful.  I've noticed it over the past few weeks while I was walking.  I started getting a little jealous.  I stopped appreciating my own yard.  I began to want to tear up my perfectly lovely trim the plant something different.

Today I had to go up to the front door of my neighbors to drop something off.  Hmm.  Look.  There are weeds here.  The mulch isn't evenly spread.  Those bushes need to be trimmed too.  I couldn't see that from the road.  It was only when I got up close that I could see that their yard wasn't perfect.

Isn't that the way it is with our lives?  We look at the outside of people's lives and we think they're so perfect.  We KNOW the inside of our lives and can easily see how much we are lacking.

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