Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I always make resolutions, but in the past few years they have turned into goals. And they're not just "lose the baby weight", because really....that just makes me feel fat. I have started examining my motivation behind these goals. Why do I want to exercise? Is it to look better...or feel better? And can I do without being mean to myself?

So here are this year's goals. Feel free to randomly ask how I'm doing with them!

Spiritually - I am going to use Professor Horner's method of reading through the bible. (This site requires a free registration to download the bookmarks.  I have a "spam" email I use.)  I also plan to learn a Fighter Verse every week.  We've been doing that fairly regularly with the kids, so it's just a continuation.  I personally want to memorize John 1 and Romans 8.  I have most of it down, but I want them REALLY in my heart!!  And last, but not least, I commit to praying with and for each of my children every week.  I have been haphazard at best, and that is unacceptable.

Physically - I will get back on the workout train.  Three days a week on the treadmill (while I watch some show on Netflix) and two days a week either with Wii Fit Yoga or a Winsor Pilates DVD.  I will also increase my water intake to eight glasses a day and commit to eating a small breakfast that has protein as well as more veggies with lunch, and taking my vitamins.

Misc - I want to do little projects around the house.  The first two on my list are carpet cleaning and painting baseboards/trim.  If I can get those done in the first six months of the year, I think I'll be doing well!

I also want to do scrapbooking every week - my poor girls have terrible albums compared to their brothers! And music - mustn't forget music.  It makes me happy, so I want to play flute or piano every week.

All these goals are with the remembrance that God loves me as I am.  I cannot earn His love.  I cannot get higher on his "nice" list if I do all these things.  I also cannot go lower on that list if I don't do these things.  He loves me.  I know because He proved it on the cross at Calvary all those years ago!

Happy New Year!

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