It's been two months since I posted...I don't really know why, it just flew by!
I'm struggling. My oldest is 14 and going to be in high school next year. I've already started to stress. And before you roll your eyes at me, yes, I know it's ridiculous. I know for a fact that my son loves Jesus, and that is truly the most important thing in the whole wide world.
But that's not everything.
Why is it that the teeniest, tiniest little comment that could possibly, maybe be construed as a slam on my parenting can throw me for a loop? How is it that if you come to me with a concern about your children or your parenting skills, that I can tell you what is truth - God loves you, God chose YOU to be the parent to these kids, if you're doing what you and your hubby agree on and you believe that is what God wants you to do, it'll be fine - but when it's MY life and MY insecurities, I believe the lies. And I KNOW they're lies. That's the worst part. I know it's not truth, but the lies are what bounce and echo in my head.
I'd like to think it's because I'm teachable and I want to know how to change to be even better. I know better. It's because I still cannot, 19 years after accepting Christ as my savior, wrap my brain around the fact that not only does God love me (proved at the cross), but that He likes me.
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