Monday, April 21, 2014


I continue to battle with the sparrows in the yard.  I think we've gotten rid of them in the back, but just yesterday we discovered that they had built a complete nest in the front bird house!  They had not yet laid any eggs, but I'm sure they were very close.

As I was crabbing to myself about these stinkin' sparrows, I realized that these sparrows had not just "popped up" on their own; they had been invited.  Someone, with no foresight, had invited these house sparrows where they didn't belong and where they weren't wanted, under the mistaken thought that it couldn't hurt.  Here's another interesting thought - house sparrows are ONLY found near humans.

Seems to me that's very similar to sin.  Sin was invited into a perfect world, where it didn't belong and where it wasn't wanted, under the mistaken thought that it couldn't hurt - and it centers around humans.  Now, we fight a continual battle with sin.  Sometimes it's big and obvious and stubborn.  Sometimes it seems to be gone, but "pops up" when you least expect it.  Either way, it's never truly gone, it just waits to be invited back.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Last week I told you about the house sparrows in our yard and how gleeful I was that we had gotten rid of three of them.  The count is now up to seven.  We had pulled down the traps and were ready to give them to my dad for him to use on his bluebird houses when I spotted another house sparrow.  Back into the houses the traps went....and two more sparrows were taken care of.  We pulled them down again....and in another day or two, another couple of sparrows.

I think these sparrows can be compared with sin.  I think I have a handle on a certain sin, I think I've taken my thoughts captive, I think I've allowed the Holy Spirit to work in my life, and all of a sudden, it pops back up and I have to do all that work again.

Maybe I'm trying to do too much work on my own?  Maybe I'm not allowing God to really and truly work in my life?  Maybe it's just because I'm a sinner living in a fallen world and I won't be perfect this side of heaven.

I am annoyed that it always catches me by surprise.  My son remarked this morning, when I was exasperated about the sparrows, "what do you expect?  For them to just leave?"  Yes, I do.  And yes, I guess I expect my sin to be extirpated after one try.

It's a good thing my God is the God of grace, because I certainly need it.

Monday, April 7, 2014

In the Dark

We have three bluebird houses in our yard, but every year we have at most one pair nesting.  Why, you ask?  Not because we don't have bluebirds (we have at least a dozen in our neighborhood), but because we've had house sparrows.  Awful, ugly, mean, hateful house sparrows.

If you don't know, house sparrows are NOT native to the United States.  Some idiot brought them over here from England, WHY, I don't know.

They destroy bluebird nests, eggs, and even bluebirds.  Show no pity.  

I have tried scaring them away, shooting them with a BB gun, and destroying their nests and eggs.  None of these methods work.  They've chased away chickadees, swallows, and bluebirds.  Finally this year, I had enough.  

These VanErt traps are totally worth the money.  They trap a bird in the birdhouse and then we determine what to do with the bird, depending on what bird is caught.  We set them up and not five minutes later, we caught a sparrow.  By the end of the day, three sparrows had been "dispatched".  Unfortunately, we also caught a chickadee and a bluebird.  Those were released with no ill effects.  Everything that I've read says that they may still even come and nest in our yard.

Anyway, I have spent considerable time thinking about this, because I hate the idea of killing creatures - even if it's for a good cause.  I was especially concerned about having caught the chickadee and bluebird.  As I pondered (and maybe even fretted a bit!), I realized that even though the birds were caught in the dark, it was for a really good cause.

Of course, that led me to consider periods of darkness in my life.  I hate them.  I wish I didn't have to go through them.  But I hope that I can look at them in the future as necessary.  The birds in my yard could have been chased away, injured, or destroyed by the sparrows.  The moments of dark, while they may have seemed long, were needed to protect them from the evil they didn't even know existed.

"When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by.  Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back, but my face must not be seen." -Exodus 33:22

God's glory passes by me, but I am hidden in the dark by His hand so that I may live.  God fights for me, but I may not see it.  In the dark is not necessarily a bad place to be.